Sold Out
Born 4/25/2020 are 4 phantom tri males and 3 phantom tri females to Chanae and Duke. These First Generation Mini Bernedoodles are expected to mature to 25- 55 pounds and parents are genetically tested to ensure maximum potential of having Wavey , minimal shedding coats.
These puppies will be ready to go home by June 20 and we will be able to offer our normal shipping options as there were uncertainties due to COVID 19.
Sorry , these puppies have all been reserved at this time.
Litter: Chanae and Duke
Pup ID: 451
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 04/25/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Wisconsin
If you would like more information on this phantom black tri, F1 Mini Bernedoodle please click on the link.
Baraboo, Wisconsin
Litter: Chanae and Duke
Pup ID: 452
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 04/25/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Illinois
If you would like more information on this traditional black tri, F1 Mini Bernedoodle please click on the link.
Naperville, Illinois
Litter: Chanae and Duke
Pup ID: 453
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 04/25/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: DC
If you would like more information on this traditional black tri, F1 Mini Bernedoodle please click on the link.
Washington, DC
Litter: Chanae and Duke
Pup ID: 454
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 04/25/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Minnesota
If you would like more information on this traditional black tri, F1 Mini Bernedoodle please click on the link.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Litter: Chanae and Duke
Pup ID: 455
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 04/25/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Illinois
If you would like more information on this traditional black tri, F1 Mini Bernedoodle please click on the link.
Naperville, Illinois
Litter: Chanae and Duke
Pup ID: 456
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 04/25/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: New York
If you would like more information on this traditional black tri, F1 Mini Bernedoodle please click on the link.
New York, New York