Sold Out
Tiny Bernedoodle puppies born on 8/21/2020 ( TAKE HOME OCTOBER 16) are 6 males and 6 females. These Bernedoodle puppies are a F1b Tiny Bernedoodles, Black Tri and Merle with traditional tri markings, These Micro Mini Bernedoodles are expected to mature to 15-30 pounds and parents are both genetically tested to ensure Health and Proper conformations.
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 527
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: DC
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle male.
Washington, DC
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 528
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle male.
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 529
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Kansas
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle male.
Leawood, KS
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 530
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: New York
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle male.
New York, NY
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 531
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Massachusetts
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle male.
Wellessley, MA
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 532
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Male
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: California
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle male.
Pebble Beach, CA
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 533
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Washington
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle female.
Lake Forest Park, WA
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 534
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Washinton
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle female.
Snohomish, WA
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 535
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Massachusetts
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle female.
North Reading, MA
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 536
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: New York
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle female.
New York, NY
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 537
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Colorado
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle female.
Golden, CO
Litter: Hartly and Zues
Pup ID: 538
Litter ID: 1
Gender: Female
Born: 08/21/20
Availability: Sold
Sold To: Tennessee
Please click on the link if you would like more information on this F1B tiny Bernedoodle female.
Nolenville, TN